iPhone Photo Ink Case
iPhone Photo Ink Case
Take a look at the back of your phone. What do you see?
Thats right...nothing. Half of your phone is underutilized, looks boring and offers no value.
Now picture this, the back of your phone is displayed cherished photos of friends and family, your favourite teams logo, your daily schedule or even your boarding passes.
A Smart Case with amazing variability - Customise your case freely and change the image whenever you like. With this versatile case, its like having a million different designs in one, giving your phone a fresh look everyday.
NFC Technology, No Battery Consumption! - No need for batteries or cables. NFC tech allows seamless data and power transfer, providing a hassle free and comfortable user experience.
Four Colour Ink Screen - For a richer colour and clearer display in comparison to previous 3 colour models.
Low Power Consumption - The ink screen display is energy efficient, requiring no power to maintain the image. Even if your phone battery runs out, the image will stay visible. Power is only used when switching patterns, ensuring zero power consumption during daily use, plus you can still use wireless charging as there is no magnetic attachment needed.
Protection - Has all the protective features of a conventional Phone case. The elevated design protects both the screen and lens, ensuring your phone remains scratch free when placed on a surface. Plus, the case absorbs impact, offering protection should you drop your phone.